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Upcoming Dates:

March 8 and May 3, 2025

We look forward to sharing time with you as you prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage.
The cost for this one-day retreat is $100 per couple. The day will begin at 7:30 and conclude at 6:15 p.m. Refreshments and lunch are provided. The day includes presentations given by priests, deacons, and married couples who will give witness regarding the vocation of marriage as a sacrament in the Catholic Church. 

Pre-registration is required and must be received at least two weeks prior to your preferred session. If you have questions prior to registering, please email

Online registration is preferred and can be done using the form below. Please be sure to provide all requested information. If you would rather mail your registration, please download our form HERE

Please be sure to complete all lines completely.

Date Registering For
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